Saturday 3 March 2012

2012 Super Shadow Cabriolet Concept

A new 2012 Super Shadow Cabriolet Concept car found under Vehicles, it costs 192 000. A billioner's car ( or use the cheat motherload a few times to buy it ). It's has a V12, 6 litre turbo with a top speed of 292 kms/h. A playboy dream car. It has 4 colour channels.
2012 Super Shadow Cabriolet Concept (MediaFire)


  1. Awww! thank you .I cant wait to get in and ride.Cause I am GOING TO LOOK (BUTTASUCKING) GOOD LOOKING.

  2. Hi peachy, thank U. It's a extremely good looking car giving the opposite sex this super crazy attraction for it's owner.
    Enjoy every ride as it's worth every penny. Carlos
